Our team at Network Connections has extensive experience in all things fiber optic cabling, and we want to use that expertise to give you the high-speed, reliable connection you need for your business or even just your household. One of the many things that we can help our clients with is structured cabling, and we have put together this article to go over some key information you need to know about it.
What is structured cabling?
First, we’ll explain what exactly structured cabling is. To put it simply, structured cabling is a system of fiber optic cables that is designed to provide comprehensive telecommunication infrastructure to the building it is installed in and the people who use it.
What are the components of structured cabling?
In general, there are three main components to a structured cabling network. First, there are the cable pathways, or the places where the cables will actually be installed, second, the actual cables, and third, all the connecting hardware, such as patch panels and connecting blocks, among other things. Each system is designed to suit the building in question, so no two structured cable networks will use the exact same combination of parts.
What are the benefits of structured cabling?
Now that you know a bit about how structured cabling works, we also want you to know what it is good for and why you would want it. Structured cabling is a great way to reduce the human errors that may have affected your network capabilities in the past. It automates more of the essential steps and keeps all the cables neatly organized so that our team (and yours) can always get to the ones we need for maintenance purposes.