No matter what industry you are in, you most likely depend on computers to perform a significant portion of your essential tasks. In addition to the computer itself, you also likely rely on a network of fiber optic cables connecting your machine to others in your workplace, as well as connecting you to the global internet. Here at Network Connections, we have over 20 years of experience working with fiber optic networks, and we want to help you keep yours in peak working condition. One essential aspect that affects your network performance is fiber optic termination, and in this article, we’ll be going over more about what this term means and why it matters.
- What It Is- To put it simply, fiber optic termination is the connection of a fiber optic cable to a device–for example, a wall outlet, or a direct connection to a machine. Good fiber optic termination benefits your network performance in a number of ways, such as preventing signal loss, as well as protecting the cable from damage.
- Why It Matters- With the above information in mind, it’s easy to see why fiber optic termination matters for your network and your business, as it directly impacts the network’s day-to-day performance as well as its longevity. Poor termination can result in the cable losing excessive amounts of light, which makes the signal weaker and slows down the rate of data that is transmitted. In addition, poor termination can allow dirt particles to get into the cable, which can damage the fibers. If you want to ensure that your fiber optic network stays in the best possible condition, we encourage you to call our team to come have a look.