Commercial Wireless Connections: A Critical Facet of a Successful Business [infographic]

HomeBlogCommercial Wireless Connections: A Critical Facet of a Successful Business [infographic]

It is hard to believe how quickly and how thoroughly the internet and computers have revolutionized the workplace. From healthcare to industry to education, high speed internet is as essential to a successful venture as electricity and running water. Commercial wireless services have become an expectation of patrons as well. Wireless internet must be available in every hotel room, vacation home and even in restaurants and stores.

Commercial Wireless Connections: A Critical Facet of a Successful Business

Here are some of the ways that your business probably uses commercial wireless every day:

  • VoIP: VoIP stands for “voice over internet protocol” and these systems are quickly replacing traditional phone lines as an essential part of unified communications systems. VoIP can be cheaper, particularly if your company needs to make international phone calls regularly.
  • Data transmission: Businesses need lots of data transmission. From human resources to accounting, all the elements of your business probably rely on electronic data transmission to store information and communicate daily.
  • Security systems: Wireless security systems are more easily upgraded, expanded or modified to maintain maximum security. They may include cameras, locks, access panels and more.
  • Communications: Email, voicemail, phone calls, video conferencing and all other forms of communication rely heavily on your wireless network.

Commercial Wireless Connections: A Critical Facet of a Successful Business [infographic]

If you are considering installing a new commercial wireless system or upgrading an existing system, one consideration to keep in mind is that many of the improvements that have been made in energy-efficiency of modern commercial buildings actually makes the creation of an effective wireless system harder. Materials like low-e glass block wireless signals. This is why it is crucial to have your commercial wireless system evaluated by a network professional who can make recommendations about how to best maintain your network’s speed and effectiveness.